クリア ラベル
オリジナルクリア ラベルはボトル、ビン、製品パッケージに最適です。当社のクリアラベルは光沢のあるクリアで上質な素材でできており、食品、油分、水分に耐性があり、冷蔵庫に入れても大丈夫です。
4 日間で送料無料
クリア ラベルは 4 日以内ですぐにお届けし、送料無料。
クリア ラベルは台紙から簡単にすぐ剥がせます。
クリア ラベル のレビュー
4.6 / 5
- Cool Bikes North
TL;DR: I like the stickers but the color wasn't what I thought I was getting. Product itself is really well made, looks objectively great, and feels durable. I submitted a design in with black line artwork but asked if it could be printed with a shiny gold ink. I got back a proof with my image in a yellow-orange-ish color, and figured this was a "yes," with the color as a stand-in for the shiny ...
- Terry Hertel
Thank for taking care of me. You helped my company.
- Tawnya L English
I was very happy to see my large logo stickers. I will use these for my gift bags and other places. Thank you so much!
- CJChris Joss
I thought that I had my clear sticker design nailed, but upon seeing my proof, realized that I’d made a huge mistake. And I didn’t know how to fix it. I described what I thought my error was, and what I was hoping for in appearance. The staff took care of my problem and my new stickers look terrific! Thank you!
クリア ラベルに関連