Youth Group LOVED THEM!

Sarah Wester

I am a youth minister and when I saw the special during button week I thought maybe I would get our instagram picture on a button. Well the youth LOVED it! I would have never ordered these if it was not for special but I was SUPER impressed with the service, product, and shipping. I was also surprised I always saw larger buttons like the one I ordered as either an older person thing or a tool to raise awareness etc... but the youth put them on their backpacks, laptop cases, we put them up in the youth room on cork boards and felt boxes. the versatility of things I never even thought of amazed me! Plus since it was the instagram symbol it also promotes our groups instagram page which is a GREAT bonus!


Hat es Ihnen gefallen? Auch Sie können Ihre eigenen 2.25" round buttons ganz einfach bestellen 🙂