
Alex Hicks-Courant

I am something of a sticker-head, I guess. I really appreciate a good sticker. I used to have a car that was plastered with 'em. Now they're mostly on water bottles, furniture, instruments & my filing cabinet. Stickers are no foreign thing. Thing is, these weren't even for me, exactly - they were on behalf of a couple of friends who own a business. My assessment is that these were lovely. The size is nice. The color is nice. The quality is great - I have owned many stickers that do not withstand the same impact or exposure to the elements that these do. Really, they're a nice product. Now the owners, honestly, were surprised by what "great" stickers they are, and these are not people who give high praise lightly. It's easy enough to hand-make stickers. It's not impossible to get them printed. But this, here, from this company? This isn't just better than your run-of-the-mill, slap-on-your-water-bottle sticker. This is better than the sticker you might find at your local microbrewery or coffee roastery. This right here is a serious product, and I'm glad to have had the chance to share a good logo for a good place on such a good product. Great service, overall. Ten out of ten. Will use again.


¿Te gusta esto? Es fácil pedir custom sticker samples también 🙂