オリジナル チラシ のレビュー

  • 4.5 / 5

  • 216


  • 87%


  • H

    Great prints and shipped fast! Saved me a trip to the printer and some $$ through a promotional deal.

  • Amy E

    These came out exactly how I wanted!!

  • Monica Jethva

    I was so excited to order to Sticker Mule Flyers when I got the email about the deal. It was perfect timing because I just designed a flyer for my small business. Unfortunately it arrived today and the flyers were completely ruined. Not sure what happened during transit but the package arrived very damaged and wet. (Not blaming Sticker Mule) I will say though that the flyers are just regular quali...

  • BR
    Brendan Russell

    I was given a ridiculously high printing estimate from a competitor, so I decided to see if Sticker Mule offered a similar service. They do, and they less than half of what the 'other guys' wanted. The quality is great, fine for record stores and smoke shops in Hollywood. Thy were here extremely fast too, even with free shipping.

  • Y. A.

    Luv 🧡🤎 🧡 🤎 how it came out. They realllly pay attention to your needs, & I have not yet had them mess-up on any of my orders 🖖🏽.

  • JS
    John Stavros

    My designer feels that the cut was not right..He will explain to me whats missing

  • 匿名

    Order flyers somewhere else. I usually love the products I get from Stickermule, but the flyers were terrible. With just a glance you can immediately tell they used low quality paper and ink. My crappy inkjet printer does a noticeable better job. Waste of time and money, but lesson learned. It's not like they're called Flyermule

  • J Annolino

    The flyers look great and on good solid paper. Definitely not cheap looking at all

  • John Rodriguez

    These flyers are the best and I’m not just saying that I wish they could do a front and back they are so good. I’ve gotten so much compliments on these thank you guys and if your reading this God bless you🔥

  • DH
    David Hankins

    This was my second time ordering flyers. I use them as color covers for zines. Both times the quality was great, and both times they gave me ten extras!