長方形ラベル のレビュー

  • 4.6 / 5

  • 1,681


  • 90%


  • Andrea Cunego

    Trovatomi a combattere con le complessità della “concorrenza”, ho provato a chiedere a Stickermule. Ho trovato incredibile rapidità ed efficienza, oltre alla genuina cortesia degli interlocutori. Io ho mandato il file, tutto il resto l’hanno fatto loro, alla perfezione. In pochi giorni avevo a casa delle bellissime etichette. Se avete bisogno di etichette di qualità e volete esser sicuri di affida...

  • AR
    Anthony Roide

    Labels have great printing, a bit of a 'pearl' finish. But the edges have a raised lip. That isn't a showstopper, but is less than ideal.

  • G

    Un lavoro veramente eccellente!!

  • MV
    Marcy Capron Vermillion

    The labels themselves look great and are clearly high quality. However, we ordered 2x6 labels to fit neatly around our brand's pill bottles, and they arrived the wrong way on the roll to use an Easy Labeler or similar machine to adhere to the bottles! The roll was 6 inches wide instead of 2 inches wide, so we could not automate labeling. This is a big nono for anyone labeling a large inventory. We...

  • SR
    Sherri Reid

    Fantastic job with my labels. High quality and fast turnaround!

  • CC
    Chris Crawford

    These labels are nice and thick. They are easy to write on and go great with the poly mailers we also ordered. I've already reordered.

  • A

    The labels turned out better than I expected AND were delivered in a reasonable amount of time! Highly recommend this company for all of your label needs.

  • Flavrific

    I love my company's new labels, you guys have the best quality products, fast shipping, and excellent customer service. I will be ordering more products soon. thanks. Tim @ Flavrific Food Company

  • LS

    ottimo lavoro, sono molto contenta.

  • Mark Wedeking

    Stickermule just kills it with ease of use, quick turnaround and fast shipping. We will continue to use Stickermule for all of our sticker needs.