フェイクタトゥー のレビュー

  • 4.3 / 5

  • 452


  • 82%


  • AM
    Andrea Manjarres

    Very well made, the color pops and is seamless

  • Gow Frag Doll

    They are very well made and the color pops and is seamless

  • RT
    R Thomas

    My design had bright yellow and green colors that were significantly dulled.

  • CC
    Candy Christensen

    I created these tattoos for a festival coming up. Even the proof was used! Great to work with! Will order again!

  • NA
    Nicole Allen

    Our organization was planning to have tattoos for our upcoming conference. Created a nice design and everything. Because sticker mule was having a sample sale, we decided to order some. 10 temporary tattoos for $29.99. The tattoos came in, well packaged! The tattoos are cut out around the design, not the traditional square shape. This makes it really difficult to take the thick plastic covering of...

  • 匿名

    Be aware that size is the overall paper size. Large white borders added to final product that were stated to be removed on the proof reduced size of final product by about 1/16 to 1/8 in each direction.

  • Jesse Bynum

    These are a super cool concept but definitely need some further developing. They go on easily but seem to peel off as easily- almost like a sticker. I was really disappointed.

  • DP
    Dean Plunkett

    Real nice my kid loved it

  • Todd Sinelli

    While the temporary tattoo design came out great; I learned the hard way that you do NOT want to use yellow on white skin for the color of the tattoo. It doesn't show and doesn't look good. Note to others, use only dark colors on white skin!

  • CS
    Carolyn Sires

    These tattoos will be great! I have a blend bash party coming up and there will be lots of childern. They will love getting something for just them!