4.8 / 5
- BD
- TSTakayuki Suehiro
Received the proof within only 10 minutes, stickers arrived on time. Simply perfect!!!
- MS
- WGWendell Grider
The quality of the stickers I received cannot be beat. This one is a customer favorite already!
- ACAaron Larget-Caplan
I uploaded one design but saw that it didn't work, and made a new one. It was easy to adjust the result is what is wanted.
- SCSherry Coulis
I purchase these in black and white. The quality of the stickers is like none other. So thick! Will continue to purchase !!!
- MSMisty Slavic
This may be my fault, but the sticker was super tiny. When I reviewed the draft, it appeared to be the same size as another order so that was my expectation. Disappointed and the cost was high enough that I won’t reorder a bigger size.
- MSMisty Slavic
This was my second order of the same item! I get many compliments on the quality of this item and it holds up very well.