Paquete de muestras por $1

Cada paquete contiene stickers, etiquetas e imanes. Envío gratis

O pedí muestras personalizadas utilizando tu ilustración.

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Pedí un pequeño lote de stickers, etiquetas o packaging impresos personalizados para ver cómo lucirá tu diseño. Obtendrás una prueba online sin cargo, producción en no más de 4 días y envío gratis. Es una forma económica de probar nuestros servicios y explorar nuestra línea de productos.

Comentarios sobre muestras

  • 4.8 / 5

  • 36,745

    Total de comentarios

  • 95%

    Volvería a hacer un pedido

  • TC
    Tobey Crockett PhD aka 'Doc Crockett'

    Thanks so much for being a reliable provider of the graphic design products that I need.

  • S

    These poly mailers came out beautiful. They are an excellent quality product. Sticker Mule does it again. A+

  • LJ
    Lena Jones

    I am glad I entrusted this effort to Sticker Mule. It took longer for delivery than usual (it shipped when promised, however, delivery was delayed in transit), but it was well worth the wait. The colors of the labels came out vibrant, and the transparency of the imprints was perfect. It is one of the best online choices I have made in 2025 thus far. Thx, SM! were vibrant and the

  • Hannah Henderson

    The USPS messed up my delivery for my first order and I emailed customer service. They immediately got back to me and sent me new stickers! They just got here and look/ feel great!

  • D

    I ordered this four months ago and it never arrived.