Good end result

Destination Cleveland County

In the end, we were extremely pleased with our stickers. I do want to share some feedback though that I hope will be understood for what it is which is to help your customers have the best experience possible. The review and edit process took several more steps than it should have because there were at least two steps that occurred because the instructions were not followed - at all. It was not just a need to tweak. For example, the initial instructions on the file were to curve the text but when I got the first proof it was not at all curved when I received the proof. I sent back edits. It came back a second time without the text being curved. Then there was an issue with the spacing between the letters in each word being off and I requested that be fixed and it was not. Then I requested it again and I was told it was fixed - but, what had been fixed was something I was not actually asking for - they had changed spacing of words from left to right. I was asking for spacing between letters in the words. When it finally was all fixed, I was told there was a delay because the edit process had taken so long. We ordered these to take to a conference with our primary target audience to launch our organization in that audience. THANKFULLY - you all did come through with the order arriving earlier than I was last told. They did arrive on time for us to take to the conference and they were a BIG HIT!!!! So, now there are musicians all over the world with a stickermule sticker for the Earl Scruggs Center on their instrument cases and cars!!!


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