
  • 4.8 / 5

  • 105.753

    Total reviews

  • 95%

    Would order again

  • Nate Bird

    The buying process is a cinch. I received the proofs back in about 8 hours and the stickers arrived within a week which was much faster than expected. The stickers look great. The print quality is really good and the stickers are durable enough to be placed on a car and weather snow, ice, and sun.

  • km
    kate mcIlvaine

    Sticker Mule makes it very easy to get professional, high quality stickers. I was very happy (and surprised) when I received my stickers 5 days earlier than expected. This is the place. Look no further!

  • Cody Jensen

    I have been wanting to do custom die cut stickers for a long time but I never found any one that makes it as easy and affordable as StickerMule! I sold out of my first batch so quickly I had to reorder 2 days later.

  • Anonymous

    Very helpful every step of the way. When i needed a change they accommodated everything i needed! High Quality vinyl as well.

  • B

    The white boarder is much wider than in our past orders. We need each order to be consistent. See the attached photo for reference. We don't feel like we can use these :(

  • KB
    Keith Beckman

    The die cut stickers I orders look great and they are a very high quality item. I also got them in the mail in about 1/4 the time that the site suggested. I'm very happy with the purchase.

  • JN
    Jason Noble

    StickerMule has been extremely helpful in getting our stickers made, and they came out perfect!

  • Rei

    My first time ordering stickers at all. I'm sure I chose the right place to get my stickers produced! Definitely looking forward to ordering more sometime in the future!

  • TW
    Travis Whitmore

    We were blown away by not only the quality of the stickers but the sticker mule customer service were quick to respond to questions and lightning fast on the turn-around time. As soon as our stickers are happily placed on our clients cars, guitar amps and drum cases - we'll be back for more.

  • BrickNerd

    I ordered die cut stickers on a friday, 20 minutes later I had a proof to approve, three revisions later I approved Friday night, had my stickers in hand the following Wednesday. Super easy, super fast, super high quality. I'm a fan!