you ever hook up with that one crush?


dealing with stickermule is EXACTLY like that!!! You see SM sitting there, all innocent, and you start to get nervous... should i place this order? will it even get delivered on time? what if it doesn't like me? what if it's not high quality? Then... ALL OF A SUDDEN you work up some courage and ask SM out... CLICK DAT ORDER BUTTON!!!!!! SLIDE INTO THE DM's!!!! Next... that awkward pause... OMG! What have i done... why aren't they writing back? ***take a deep breath Moments later you get hit with the message you've been waiting for "SM: You're proof is ready stud muffin!" BOOM!!! LET'S DO THIS DANCE!!! Seems like in an instant SM is at your door, and it was everything you dreamed of (and more). Why did i wait so long to ask you out Stickermule!?!? Thanks for the awesome work and great response times on my first draft and revision! I will be ordering plenty more in the future!


Like this? It's easy to order your own 1" round buttons too 🙂