Comentarios sobre imanes personalizados
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- SM
- AWAngela Willner
This is my second time using Sticker Mule and I'm thrilled with the outcome again. I ordered custom magnets. My order was processed the same day and arrived surprisingly fast. I am thrilled with the print quality of my magenets at such a great value. I will definitely order again.
- AD
- LBLacey Buchanan
Great product! Was a hit with our group. Sold 28 magnets at our first meeting and got the go ahead to sell them at upcoming events!
- PBPhil Brecht
Looks great and quick as usual. Will keep Ordering from StickerMule
- PK
- AAlex
I bought these to put on the cars of the team when we're out working, and to be removable easily for when we are using the cars personally. My main concern before buying was that they would be too small and not stick well at higher speeds (60+mph). After a few days testing up to almost 80mph they haven't budged an inch, and the size is perfect! I even put them on a dirty car surface just to test, ...
- Lisa Christensen
I had a great first experience with Sticker Mule getting custom magnets printed. I had several questions for Customer Service to which they responded promptly every time. The magnets look great and even arrived 4 days earlier than projected!