Perfect as always with one packaging issue

Green Heart of the Finger Lakes

As always, Sticker Mule has created the perfect "Green Heart of the Finger Lakes" magnets for us, with one remaining packaging issue. They are tightly wrapped in plastic with a noticeably raised heat sealed seam on the backside of each stack of 25. This diminishes the otherwise perfect quality of a number of my magnets, which in turn reduces the number of how many I am able to resell to my customers. Here are examples of these issues: 1. If the stack is not perfectly aligned then the edges overlapping will bend to the point of no return. 2. the heat sealed seam on the back of each pack, when stored together as shipped, will cause dents to the surface of the stack it is laying against. So if I do not re-stack them, face to face or remove them from there plastic wrap soon after I receive them, a noticeable and irreversible dent is caused to the surface of the stack it is laying against and over time to the following 2-3 magnets in that pack.


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