Stoked...with one teeny, tiny caveat.

Ty LeGarde

Ordering my stickers with StickerMule was a snap. Uploaded my art, had a proof back within--seriously: minutes. Good to go, boom. Done. Got my stickers before the quote date. Getting things faster is always good. Means I can get my product out faster. Colors looked great, detail is fantastic. Stickers seem durable, and of high quality. Backing comes off easily, and with no trouble. Zero damage from packing/shipping. My one teeny, tiny whine about these are: When applied to glass, it seems to lose a bit of it's luster. Perhaps it's the thickness of the stickers themselves that allows light to get through--but--It's pretty hard to bag on that aspect. All in all, Great process, great price point, and I will be a return customer.


Gostou? Pois é fácil encomendar circle stickers no seu próprio estilo personalizado 🙂