
  • 4.9 / 5

  • 82 502

    Total de avaliações

  • 97%

    Comprariam novamente

  • Smartimage

    We just launched our new image management product - Smartimage - and thought what better way to spread the word than to offer some sweet owl swag. These stickers have been a big hit! Thanks Sticker Mule!

  • Anônimo

    I love Stickermule, and the overall quality of the stickers are great! With that said, I noticed something about the last batch, the one before this order. There's one pack that contained a lot of tiny black sticky balls on the surface of stickers. They probably were dried adhasive liquid --- maybe one batch had too much of those? It didn't make the stickers unusable, but it was noticable. J...

  • DH
    Denise Herman

    We loved our stickers, they got here SO quickly-effortless is how I would describe it. THANKS!

  • Michael De Lorenzo

    These looked great! They came out perfectly, great size and clarity.

  • LS
    Lars Schmidt

    Great quality sticker, quick turnaround, timely feedback. Nice job Sticker Mule! Lars

  • KM
    Kevin McLaurin

    Stickers came out the way we envisioned. All angles and cuts are consistent. Well done!

  • KJ
    Keanna Jackson

    AWE-some! Loved my stickers! So excited.

  • j

    Not much else to say. They're perfect.

  • Peter DePasquale

    I'm thrilled with the ease of the ordering process and resulting quality of the stickers. We'll be using them to promote our software tool, and will very likely be ordering additional stickers again.

  • Dan Counsell

    Great quality. Perfectly done.