4.7 / 5
Total reviews
Would order again
- Don Williamson
Great job. Came out exactly as I designed them! Fast turnaround and speedy delivery. Thank you!
- hheinzmann
Need more Art-stuff, Made by stickermule… love ti work with. Peeeerfekto!
- EEran
We ordered some private label beer labels, the quality is great and the label survive the fridge without peeling.
- DMDr. Phyllis Merlino
The stickers are just perfect and perfect for my need. The colors are beautiful. Printing spot on! Thank you.
- JJasmine
I’ve been using this company for years. I have no worries when repurchasing or even creating new labels for my business.
- JPJaime Pilbeam
The paper behind the sticker tens to rip when you try to remove sticker. It’s almost like they the are pressing to hard around the sticker so the backing just comes off with sticker
- JTJoe Thomas
Very dependable and quality decals. Nice to have that source. Also easy to work with on tweeking designs.
- Sh
- PSPam Schuman
Fast friendly service. I appreciate the preview before finalizing order. Great Company.
- SRSally Restrepo
Stickers look great .. they got here even sooner than anticipated.. GREAT JOB!