Recensioni per volantini personalizzati

  • 4.5 / 5

  • 212

    Recensioni totali

  • 87%

    Ordinerebbe di nuovo

  • Vincenzo Teoli

    Bellissimi 😍

  • Alessandro Fatichi

    Veloci e decisamente ben fatti, rapporto qualità prezzo ottimo


    Ancora una volta il mio gruppo Vomitiva, baluardo del punk in friuli, abbiamo deciso di affidarci ai fantastici servizi di Sticker Mule, e non abbiamo sbagliato! Oltre ad averci fornito adesivi tostissimi ed eterni, fatti di materiale di alta qualità, oltre ad averci fornito magliette di super cotone stampate e durevoli nel tempo, spille e calamite mega, adesso ci hanno stampato pure i flyer! Serv...

  • mc
    marinella cocchi

    ottimo come sempre

  • Jasmine Elizabeth

    I Love Sticker Mule For Many Reasons... BUT This is the one thing I probably would never order again, they where decent quality don't get me wrong but they are just like printed on semi thick printer paper, and didn't seem to have any sort of film or protection on them. Maybe if they did a water resistant gloss maybe I would try again, but with this I could maybe do on my Printer at home.

  • DD
    Dusty DeNeefe

    The poster came out exactly how I wanted. Thanks

  • rc
    ryan carney

    Professional quality, nice shine to the flyers

  • RG
    Rose Giguere

    very good quality, totally satisfied

  • AD
    Andrew Dombos

    This turned out so so so VERY good. Thank you big time, StickerMule! The print quality is amazing and its beautiful to see the work printed so well all the way to the edge.

  • M

    Very high quality, crisp image, as good as the original.