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Your guide to creating the ultimate marketing pack

Geplaatst door Sticker Mule op

Marketing is crucial for any business. It's what helps you gain new customers, keep existing ones, and generally grow your brand. But what makes for effective marketing?

That's a question pretty much everyone's trying to solve. And the real answer (and probably the most hated!) is "it depends on your business."

While that much is correct, some fundamental marketing tools will apply across most industries and sectors. For example, branded items are one of the best marketing tools out there to grow brands, and it's an opportunity to be creative. Whether you're opting for fun marketing stickers, printed t-shirts, and mugs, or really any physical item with your logo on it, it helps your brand gain exposure, and it's one of the best ways to get your name out there.

no treble sticker sheet

What is a marketing pack?

A marketing pack (or marketing kit) is essentially a portfolio of items representing your brand and allowing others to get to know you. While the items you choose for marketing and branding will differ, what's important to remember in this context is cohesiveness! You want your marketing pack to tell a story about you and tailor the items to whoever is on the receiving end.

Where do I start?

The fundamental rule to follow when thinking about items to include in your marketing pack: What does this say about my brand, and why am I including it?

Think about the story you are trying to tell and what existing materials you have that communicate this effectively.

One of the best ways to put together a marketing packet is to start assembling different flyers, brochures, and promotional material you already have to see what's missing. This could be a mix of 1-pagers around your services and processes and more detailed brochures and tri-folds that go into more detail.

If you have that ready to go, you're pretty much halfway to putting together a great marketing kit! And if not, you'll only need to spend a little bit of time creating these materials because the other half of your marketing toolkit will likely consist of promotional items.

Why do I need a marketing kit?

The main reason a marketing pack is useful is that it's an introduction to your brand. By including items that reflect you and your brand, you're able to educate new customers with more ease. It's an excellent tool for retention since it serves as a reminder for existing customers to rediscover your brand!

The effectiveness of marketing stickers and other promotional tools is tethered to the quality of items you choose and what they say about you. A marketing pack is an educational and promotional piece all at once, and it's designed to sell you.

Depending on who is on the receiving end of a marketing toolkit, you can tailor materials to address their issues, show your brand is a solution to their problems, and add some more branded items for promotional purposes.

A marketing packet is a business development tool at its core, and its purpose is to sell your brand. Although the way you sell your brand through the marketing pack will change across audiences, the goal remains the same.

The earlier point about brand story plays a significant role here. If you've spent any kind of investment on creating branding material (which you likely have!) then this is one of the best ways to showcase it.

Clients and customers connect more to a business when it has a clear narrative and story, and marketing packs help cultivate that story and bring it to life. And when you tailor it to your audience, you'll see more uplift and conversion because they will feel like you truly understand their issues and how to solve them.

A marketing kit is just as much of a discussion about your capabilities as it is about your brand. That's why it's crucial to include a mixture of items to create a successful marketing pack.

Custom keychains

What goes into a marketing kit

There's no hard and fast rule about what goes into a marketing pack. However, some common items could include

  • Booklets with case studies
  • Brochures with company information
  • Business cards

There could also be more 'fun' branded items like:

  • Marketing stickers
  • Pocket folders
  • Keychains

Ideally, you're choosing a mixture of things that are reflective of your brand.

The effectiveness of marketing stickers and other promotional items is well-documented in building brand awareness and loyalty. By including fun items alongside informational materials, you can balance out your marketing pack to be promotional but not too aggressively sales-y.

Whether you're choosing to go for sticker marketing or other items, it's essential to think about the whole look - the earlier point about cohesiveness comes back into play.

You want your items to have a consistent look with branding and, more importantly, include both unique and functional items. Adding in items to your marketing kit that don't really serve a purpose will likely lead to many binned items. (Never good!)

A marketing packet doesn't need to be super heavy and loaded with unnecessary materials. Think about the audience receiving this packet and what they need to know most about you.

Custom stickers for marketing toolkit

For example, if it's someone who is somewhat familiar with your brand already, you might want to include:

  • Case studies tailored to their industry
  • Marketing stickers and 1-2 other promotional items such as a pocket folder and keychain
  • Detailed information around your processes and services

If it's an entirely new customer that you've just been introduced to and you're hoping to set up an initial call, your marketing pack could include:

  • Brochures introducing your company
  • A brief overview of services and processes that may interest them
  • Marketing stickers, and one other promotional item such as the one mentioned above

You can mix and match as needed, but creating a pool of items to choose from makes the process of putting together a marketing pack much easier. You can keep copies of brochures and other flyers, and promotional materials handy and have a box of branded items ready to go. Assembling the marketing pack will become a faster process, and you'll be able to send the marketing packet to new and existing clients faster.

Your marketing kit is all about putting your brand front and center. It should include information and objects that communicate your story compellingly and excitingly and encourage the recipient to get in touch!

At Sticker Mule, we've created marketing stickers across industries and sectors, so we know just how to create eye-catching, memorable promotional items to include with your marketing packet for maximum success! Check out our high-quality sticker sheets, and get started with your marketing pack now.

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