Avaliações de botons personalizados

  • 4.5 / 5

  • 20 944

    Total de avaliações

  • 87%

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  • Wanda Terral

    I grabbed these pins because of the daily deal. I figured if they weren't great I wouldn't be losing much money. They arrived quickly (as usual when I get stickers) and I'm super pleased.

  • VH
    Vincent Hely

    They look good on a white background but otherwise not so much because they are clear. If they had a white background they would look great anywhere.

  • VH
    Vincent Hely

    They look good on a white background but otherwise not so much because they are clear. If they had a white background they would look great anywhere.

  • VH
    Vincent Hely

    The pins depicting my album look fantastic. I showed them on FB and created a demand.

  • Paul Bartunek

    It's an image stuck to the back of some plastic with a pin hastily glued on random places on the back. Very disappointed.