A survecu à la machine | Resisted the washing machine


Je n'étais pas sûr que cela passerait à la machine, mais aucun soucis. Après 3 passages machine + sèche-linge, rien ne se décolle. Je fais cependant attention à retourner le T-Shirt avant le sèche-linge, on ne sait jamais ^^ I was curious to see wether it would survive the washing machine or not. It does. After 3 washes and dryings, still as good as new. Though, I always make sure to put the T-Shirt inside-out for the dryer, I won't take the risk ^^


इस तरह से? अपना खुद का custom t-shirts ऑर्डर करना भी आसान है 🙂