Automatic discounts
Savings that reflect the exact size of your design.
Order custom stickers for the right price, every time.
During our free, unlimited proofing process you'll see an exact size for your stickers based on your artwork. If the final size is smaller than the original size you ordered, we update the price accordingly - giving you a discount.
1Estimate your size.
Want a sticker that's around 3 inches? Save time by selecting a standard size when ordering. We'll figure out your exact size and adjust your price accordingly during proofing.
Example before checkout:
- Qty: 500
- Size: 3″ x 3″
- Price: $210

2Review your proof.
In less than 4 hours you'll receive an online proof of your design showing the exact size and price. Feel free to request changes until you're happy.
Example after checkout:
- Qty: 500
- Size: 3″ x 2.3″
- Price: $181

3Pay upon approval.
Nothing is charged to your credit card until you approve your proof which includes the final size and price of your sticker.

With automatic discounts, 80% of customers save 5% or more during proofing.
Most of us don't have time to closely inspect an image to determine its exact size so we order an approximate size. For example, you might order a 4″ × 4″ sticker that's really 4″ × 3.7″.
If you wanted 500 stickers you will receive an automatic discount of $15 bringing your total from $301 down to $286 which is a ~5% discount.