Easily make money online
Make money online
Refer people and earn 5-10% on their purchases for 1 year.
Available in limited countries with a valid ID. See full program rules
3 easy ways to gain referrals
Share your link
Give people $10 off their first order and tag them as your referral when they buy.
Sell products
Any new customers who purchase items from your store are tagged as referrals.
Get signups
Anyone who signs up from your store page is tagged as your referral.
Unlimited cash commissions.
We made it easy to gain referrals fast so you can start generating commissions. Get friends to purchase by sharing your unique link (worth $10 credit), list and sell products on your store, or get people to sign up from your store. If any of these happen, those people are tagged as your referrals and you’ll earn 5-10% when they buy at Sticker Mule for 1 year.