पॉली मेलर्स के लिए समीक्षाएं

  • 4.7 / 5

  • 4,089

    कुल समीक्षाएं

  • 93%

    फिर से ऑर्डर करना चाहेंगे

  • J

    Love being able to mail my product out in my own packaging! The quality is amazing and I will certainly be ordering more.

  • N

    Standard was excellent as with the smaller sizes. Would love a size that is between the medium and large size, as it’s a big step up in volume.

  • गुमनाम

    Excellent packaging quality, fast production & delivery & really competitive pricing. One of a kind customer service. Definitely recommend working with them.

  • गुमनाम

    Love working with the SM team, very helpful and excellent customer service.

  • गुमनाम

    I love these custom poly shipping bags! The designer arranged the Sea Turtles perfectly, the colors are fantastic, and my customers are going to love them!! Thank you for this opportunity to put my brand so beautifully on the packages I ship. Will be back!

  • Swim Vikni

    Quality is a1

  • Nathan Sykes

    When we needed internal packaging to ship some stuff to our team members around the world. We decided to go with Stickermule after two very positive experiences. We submitted our design proof, and got our packaging in the mail a week later. In true EXPOAid fashion, we ordered a few more than we needed and stress-tested the poly mailers. After an hour of spraying the poly mailer with a hose, throwi...

  • CrysMixx, LLC

    The customer care is just as amazing as the products themselves!

  • Carol MacKinlay

    Easy to set-up and order. Great quality

  • Diana Takach

    So easy to create and top quality! Thank you!!